elliotmagoon Massachusetts

Immigration Letter

Equal Opportunities

Dear Mr/Ms President,

 My name is Elliot and I would like to talk about the topic of immigration. The current immigration laws have negatively impacted my community. I have friends who struggle finding a job and have to get paid under the table simply because they were not born here.  I believe where you were born should not have an effect on your future, because you have no say  over where you are born. I understand that without immigration laws America would eventually be over populated, but a large population of immigrants who can't support themselves is equally detrimental to the community. I believe immigrants should have equal opportunities getting jobs and education, so that they can support themselves and their families. 

Sincerely, Elliot Magoon

buildOn- CASH High School

buildOn- CASH High School

buildOn is an international nonprofit organization that runs youth service afterschool programs in United States high schools, and builds schools in developing countries. buildOn's mission is to break the cycle of poverty, illiteracy and low expectations through service and education.

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