Israel123 California

Gun Control

It is about the violence in the city that people go to far to kill someone with a gun.

Dear Future President,

I am writing this letter because I want Gun Violence to stop because a lot of people die every day.I am so upset that people they have to fear to the violence from outside of their house’s. So, I believe that people who have guns should have license because people they get killed by people who has a gun.Guns are tools that are dangerous to our world because people get killed and they go to big issues for example, wars, immigration, drugs,and protest because it has violence about police kill people without doing nothing wrong. Also, I believe that we should keep safe the police station because sometimes criminals kill the police and burn down the police station.

I also believe that we need more police’s because people in the United States they do something horrible to the country and the total of people die is 46,377. So, I think we should stop people getting to Violence for example, violent games, see deadly movies, and the toys that look like guns.I also hate that Police also do Gun violence for example, I saw in the News that a police killed a kid because the police he thought the BB gun was a actually gun and that’s how kid got killed.I also think that we should stop the BB guns because people could get killed with them because they are BB guns that have metal bullets and the metal bullets could go through the bones. I feel awful that people they have to go through the violence in New York.

I think we should go and put the guns tax up because people they go to the store they have the money, then they buy the gun.I also think that there should be enuff of security in the school because people first try to harm the kids first.United States is one of the country that there is more Gun violence because every year there is something bad in United States.sometimes people they go to the United States to harm because they might want war.In the old times the teenagers have to go war.And that I think is bad because you could without knowing nothing.

I finally think that people they should protect their homes because people they also go to people’s house’s. I so upset that people they go to the shelters to protect themselves. I’m afraid that people they get injured or killed and more things happen like the news they sometimes says lies because last time they said “ there is going to be earthquake but, it did not happen. So, don’t be afraid if someone is terest you be brave.


Israel Sillas Vidal

Health Science Middle School

Health Sciences Middle School

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