Nevaeh Z. California

School Systems Needing Improvement

Education systems need to be catered to the career path the student plans to take in order to give them the information and knowledge they require to grow as an individual and blossom in the field of the world's society as well as supporting themself with a future job.

  Our school education systems are actually lacking the support and structure students need. Pupils are just like any other person- with weaknesses and strengths. If we judge a goldfish by its ability to climb a tree instead of its ability to swim, it will live its life thinking its stupid. Considering such, maybe it's time for a change in the system.

The main subject focus should be up to the student- who knows themself better than anyone else does. They know their strengths; the topics that interest them. And they know their weaknesses; the topics that don’t nab their attention and in worst cases stress them out to the point of wanting to not follow their path in life. If we fill a young person’s head with things they don’t find interesting, it highly influences them to just fall behind. Especially if the person has autism or another disorder that includes the symptoms of not paying heed to fields that aren’t on their mind but going above and beyond on things that they find interesting.

Even though students should have a basic idea of things, such as simple addition and how important health is, we shouldn’t pressure them to focus on their weaknesses. There is only a slim chance that the said weakness can evolve into a strength. Not everyone is built out to be some carpenter or scientist as society wants them to be, but maybe a cartoonist or architect instead. A person’s full potential can never be achieved if we expose them to the wrong train tracks of education.

Those who want to be historians are all set. They are fine with taking social studies. Those who want to specialize in fine arts or digital cgi making, however, can only be blessed with the education they need if the school offers it as a course. And it’s a choice to take optional courses unlike the main four core classes.

If we really have to stick with the system and its requirements for education, then things could at least be relevant. “For example, students working on measuring and calculating the area of a plot of land in which they will be growing a garden to provide vegetables for class snacks are going to care about the formula for calculating area. In fact, they will probably be able to derive the formula.” This quote, taken from How do we improve the education system?- Big Think ties together how relevance can be brought with such classes.

Hundreds of people have talents yet to be unearthed because of the education they must take compared to what they can decide to take. Allowing options for their future will better people’s minds and creativity, and maybe unleash some more forms of work that is now rare in modern society. If we want students to have a better chance for a future, than allowing them to have the responsibility of choosing their courses will be the beginning.