Maritza R. Colorado

Education System

A way of improving our country is by improving our education system.

Dear President,

Education has more influence on our country than implementing laws upon generations. The effect education has on teenagers can determine the path they will lead their life through. A successful education system implements everyday skills and performing techniques that will impact the student’s performance in future situations. However, an ineffective education can determine communication competence and the knowledge the teenager holds (Basyouni). Therefore, our education system should be altered to increase the intellectual and personal improvement of the students.

As students progress through high school, the amount of homework assigned increases, which builds stress in their lives. It has been proven that “One in five teens qualifies as clinically depressed” due to the stress produced in high schools (Taylor). According to a research done by Stanford University, “Fifty-six percent of the students considered homework a primary stressor, while thirty-three percent put the pressure to get good grades” (Parker).The education board has forgotten that these students are at the peak of development. Stress causes the communication between the two brain hemispheres to worsen. “If communication between the left and right sides of the brain is not working properly, "The amygdala runs wild. Feelings of helplessness, despair and anxiety run amok" (Tennant). Although the homework amount given in high school is to prepare the students for college, not every students will attend college after graduating high school. Students who have decided to attend college should be assigned to a specific group where only they are affected. Less stress increases the academic performance of the student. As Ralph Waldo Emerson said once, “The secret in education lies in respecting the student.” Finding the adequate amount of homework for students could improve their well being and academic performance, benefiting the school as well as the students.

Many students today rely on the school’s support to attain technological resources needed to succeed in their courses, yet a handful of schools are not able to provide them with the resources needed. Schools argue that, “Students in technology rich environments experienced positive effects on achievement in all major subject areas” (Schacter 5). Although technology has improved some of the student’s grades, not all students have technology access outside of school. According to high school instructors, they are required to upload their lesson plan and/or assigned homework to a specific website. The problem behind this requirement is that some students are not able to obtain access to that website, which prevents them from completing their homework. Therefore, homework should be assigned on paper copies. “By providing a dedicated space for writing throughout the term, you won’t just encourage your students to think their way deeper into the course’s subjects. You’ll also help them to become better writers” (Gooblar). As the student becomes better writers, they also become better communicator, which benefits their intellectual improvement.

Similarly, schools determine the student’s level of knowledge by their standardized test scores, yet not every student has the skills required to demonstrate their full potential on tests. A benefit of Standardized test is, “[These tests] gives parents a good idea of how their children are doing as compared to students across the country and locally” (Columbia University). However, there are many factors that influence the student’s performance on a test. “When looking at a standardized exam, there are physical, cultural, and situational influences that affect how a student will score on a standardized test… Furthermore, these factors can have a positive, negative, or no effect on a student's test score” (Rozon). Due to the many factors that influence the student’s test scores, standardized tests have the possibility of not accurately measuring the student’s knowledge, which can greatly impact the the student’s intellectual improvement.

Education holds the country in its hands. The more thought and resources we invest in education the better the outcome the United States will receive, This outcome could drastically impact our county’s economy, unity, and knowledge. These students are the future of America; improving their education system will determine the path the United States takes. So Mr. President, adjusting the education system to benefit the intellectual and personal growth of students will be a worthwhile investment.

Works Cited

Columbia University. Pros and Cons of Standardized Testing. N.p.: n.p., n.d. May 2013. Web. 8 Nov. 2016. <>.

El-Basyouni, Zeid. "The Effects of the Bad Education." Cyrenaica. N.p., 03 May 2014. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Gooblar, David. "The Obvious Benefits of In-Class Writing Assignments." Vitae, the Online Career Hub for Higher Ed. N.p., 02 July 2014. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Levy, Sandra. "Is Too Much Homework Bad for Kids' Health?" Healthlines RSS News. N.p., 11 Aug. 2016. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Parker, Clifton B. "Stanford Research Shows Pitfalls of Homework." Stanford News. N.p., n.d. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Rozon, Oliver B. Standardized Tests. N.p.: n.p., n.d. 20 Dec. 2013. Web. 8 Nov. 2016. <>.

Schacter, John. The Impact of Education Technology on Student Achievement. Santa Monica: n.p., 1999. Http:// Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Taylor, Maggie. " Blog." Blog. N.p., 03 Nov. 2016. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Tennant, Victoria. "School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-The Powerful Impact of Stress." School of Education at Johns Hopkins University-The Powerful Impact of Stress. N.p., Sept. 2005. Web. 08 Nov. 2016.

Mead High School

Mead High School Maverick Writers

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