Chris A. California

Dear future president;

Air pollution and how it is slowly killing the Earth.

Dear future president;

Have you ever driven past a factory and seen smoke rising out of it? Well this smoke alone is pushing the Earth to its melting point. If you knew Factories and companies that cause air pollution need to be shut down because air pollution causes things such as Global Warming and disease, we still have time to prevent pollution and keep the Earth clean.what this smoke is doing, you would know that we have to stop this immediately.Global warming is a huge problem on Earth right now because it is raising temperatures and affecting our health.Global warming is a huge problem on Earth right now because it is raising temperatures and affecting our health.Some may call it a hoax but Global Warming is real and is affecting the Earth we live in today. Global Warming is caused when fossil fuels releasing increasing amounts of carbon dioxide and greenhouse gases into the air(air pollution).This is why we need to stop factories or other things that release harmful chemicals in the air. If we don’t stop this now, by 2100, changes resulting from Global Warming will increase the sea levels because of the melting of the polar ice caps, as well as increase the severity of storms and other dangerous weather events(LiveScience).

Another good example of the effects of air pollution would be disease and how air pollution causes it all around the world.Another good example of the effects of air pollution would be disease and how air pollution causes it all around the world. Air pollution is known to cause disease around the world. One of the most serious diseases it causes is asthma. Asthma is a respiratory condition which makes it hard to breath. This is can be a real pain living with because it causes chest pain, problems with breathing, cough, and wheezing that may lead to a lethal asthma attack(National Institute of Environmental Sciences). This is another good reason why we should be doing everything in our power to stop because i don’t want to walk out of my house and see that the once bright blue sky has been replaced with a gloomy shade of black.

Some may argue that companies need factories to make and sell their products but if you think about this , you will realize that this is just plain stupid.Some may argue that companies need factories to make and sell their products but if you think about this , you will realize that this is just plain stupid. If you look at all the harmful things air pollution does to our Earth, you will realize very quickly that selling a product is less important than keeping our Earth clean. There are also alternative ways to make products that don’t cause pollution. So before you go and turn on the factory again, think of the long lasting consequences that that factory causes.

Now that you have seen all the effects of air pollution on the Earth, I hope you will think about our future generations that might grow up in a world that can’t see past the atmosphere of the Earth. It is a small solution for a HUGE problem that is killing not only the Earth, but is residents as well.

Sincerely,Chris A

 Global Warming: News, Facts, Causes and Effects. LiveScience. N.p.

Air pollution. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences. N.p.