Resources for Educators


Local Election Toolkit

presented by: KQED

Letters to the Next President 2.0 asked students to share their views on an issue that mattered to them during the 2016 election. But students don’t...

PBS Election Central: After the Election

presented by: PBS Education: Election Central

After a winner is announced in a Presidential election, the U.S. begins a peaceful transition of power from the President to the President-elect in or...

Resources to Gear Up for the Inauguration and First 100 Days

presented by: KQED

January 20 will mark the 58th inauguration in our nation’s history. President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign and subsequent election was inspired i...

Do Now

presented by: KQED

Do Now is a weekly activity hosted by KQED for students to engage and respond to current issues using social media tools like Twitter. Do Now aims to ...

How to Let Your Local Media Know about Letters to the Next President 2.0

presented by: KQED

Your local newspaper, radio or TV station may jump at the chance to do a story on what your students are doing for Letters to the Next President 2.0. ...

Is it Time for the America to Graduate From the Electoral College?

presented by: KQED

The founding fathers established the electoral college in the United States Constitution, believing that it would be both a buffer and provide fair po...

Facing History and Ourselves: Democracy and Civic Engagement Resources

Democracy thrives when informed, active, and humane citizens coexist with institutions that uphold the rule of law and shared values. Yet we see every...

Nine Ways to Teach Election 2016 in the E.L.L. Classroom

We invite you to use the news to help your English-language learners understand the United States’ system of government, develop critical thinking s...

EXPLAINER: What’s the Deal with the Electoral College?

presented by: KQED

When voters head to the polls on Election Day to select the next president, we’re not actually voting for any one person. Instead, we’re throwing ...

Add Peer Review & Revision to Your Letter in Writable App

Writable is a free app that helps teachers scaffold the writing process for students and provide consistent feedback. In this activity, students learn...