Austin M. Michigan

Illegal Immigration Disaster

Immigration is one of the key causes to American suffering in economy and loss of jobs. I propose one way to fix it is border security and monitoring.

Letter To The Next President

The United States, we’re forced to spend 1.7 billion dollars each year to do what? Build roads, help with national problems and maybe even improve our education? No we spend it on students that are illegal, smuggle drugs,take jobs and create havoc. We could even use this money to help build a stronger and more secure border. Border patrol and walls on the border are a way to help the country grow and create jobs and reduce drugs and crime.

The United States should be using that money to build a border to keep immigrants out, or even buff up on border patrol. U.S takes our own money to spend on illegal immigrants that only want free healthcare and in the long run, free money. While all this is happening, I see that America has more problems that are at hand. By no means is this border going to make America perfect, but with the wall up we can save millions to billions on illegal immigrants. “The United States already accepts more illegal immigrants into our country than the rest of the world combine (1.8 million in 1991 alone).” (Ian K. Kullgren) This means that we are welcoming and not even caring for the impacts that these immigrants have. We are the number one harbor for these illegal immigrants and we may have build a border but not strong enough border. This matters because with the state that America is in right now we don't need to deal with the money that could be going to anything else, even something more important. We don't need the expenses that follow these immigrants.

Everyone needs a job right? Well as “Prosecutions for hiring illegal immigrants fell from 182 in 1999 to 4 in 2003” (Ron Paul). This means that illegal immigrants take jobs from right underneath our noses. Now, these jobs may not be the best of jobs but when poverty strikes america and there are true Americans out there with no job and an illegal immigrant takes that job that could give the somewhat of an income that goes a long way to help this country. The fact that the government allows this to happen and have dumbed down on security is awful. We should be able to see on a resume if people are illegal immigrants or not. It’s a shame that America loses thousands of jobs to illegal immigrants and we are suffering from it. To prevent the jobs being stolen the border will be a perfect cure. It allows Americans to get jobs for watching borders and building a fence creates jobs for Americans while keeping illegal immigrants out. Ian K. Kullgren also states that “Two thirds of babies born in LA public hospitals are born into illegal immigrants” This means that California seems to be the biggest harbor for illegal immigrants. We have these facts yet we still do nothing about it, it seems as if we just let it happen. This effect Americans because to pay for these children it comes from welfare and taxes American citizens because we are forced to. We need to make this border more secure or the money we pay for these illegal children will alone be able to build a wall itself.

The border that we have currently is horrific. According to the article “The Fence of Lies” by Mario Vargas Llosa “Remaining 1200 miles of open fences that let in and out American and Mexican immigrants.” The meaning of this is that the money needed to go into problems such as this are taken from what the problem itself is trying to solve. If you look at the 1.7 billion that we spend on illegal immigrants in the first place we could afford these nation wide issues. But even with a border people will always find a way around and I know that. If we have better protection and or a wall then it will greatly reduce the amount of illegal immigrants making it onto U.S soil. With the wall men and women can create jobs for positions watching borders and protecting the U.S from crossing over. There are holes that can be created in this plan but if we try hard enough to put work and effort into this border patrol it will greatly reduce the amount of illegal immigrants, making America a safer, more responsible country.

Sincerely, Austin M