Jason c. Minnesota

Gun Control

This is about how we can control guns and how people can be more safe with firearms and not get killed and injured.

Dear Mr. President,

My name is Jason and I am writing to you about a massive conflict and problem we are having in the United States to this day. The problem is gun rights. As you know Amendment number 2 is “right to bear arms” and this to me means anyone should have the right own a gun. Anyone should have the right to own a gun, but if people are going to use guns in negative way like for killing people or threatening people they should have that privilege taken away. I believe...

As you may know of there has been a large amount of crimes and conflicts including firearms and guns. A few major conflicts that happened not long ago are the Orlando shooting and the Sandy Hook Elementary shooting. If people aren't going to use their firearms for hunting, target practice, or self defense, what is the point of carrying a firearm? In 2011, there was data recorded that 68% of firearms were used for murder. This shows that many people aren’t using guns for good. Need second main point.

Many people think there should be no firearms to even be allowed in the United States at all. I think otherwise because there’s many people in the world that like to hunt and also use handguns for home protection. Otherwise, how could we defend ourselves?

Mr. President, we need to do something else to help, to save more lives, and prevent this from happening again. We can help this by looking at people’s background check yearly and have all people no matter what age take a firearms safety course. We need to make this the most important thing to figure out because people are getting killed or hurt every single day from firearms. Need Connection to Global Goals


Jason C.

Chaska Middle School East

Mrs. Johnson's 8th Grade Global Studies

Global Studies class letters connecting national issues to the UN's Global Goals.

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