Molly H. Colorado

Dakota Access Pipeline

Reasons why the Dakota Access Pipeline is a mess!

Dear Future President,

Standing Rock Indian Reservation is the home to 8250 people. Many of which have lived their entire lives there. The building of the Dakota Access Pipeline would not only destroy these people's homes but also all of their memories and their lives.

The Dakota Access Pipeline is $3.7 billion project that will build a 1,134 mile long pipeline that will run through four states and change the landscape of the U.S. Crude Oil Supply. However, with it running through four states, it will run straight through the Standing Rock Indian Reservation. Their ancient burial sites, prayer sites, and all of their culturally significant artifacts.

There is a lot of discussion about who owns the reservation lands and who has the right to decide what will happen to it. The land was granted to the Sioux people's by the Treaty of Fort Laramie in 1868. In later decades land previously controlled by the Sioux doled out by the federal government as homes for Native families; when the farms failed the government repossessed the land. In 1980 the Supreme Court ruled that the Black Hills were taken unjustly, and ordered the US government to compensate the Sioux Tribes, fairly for them. The Sioux declined the payment in order to seek possession or co-ownership of the land itself. While history doesn't really answer who’s land it is, it is visible that the land was taken over without consultation in the first place. The argument presently is that the Sioux do not own the land and have no say in what goes on. However, technically the Sioux people were living on this land before even thought possible. These people's lives and all of their ancestors lives were built on this reservation.

Not only is the building of the pipeline itself a problem, but the action taken against the protesters by authorities is a huge issue. On October 17th five Native American anti-pipeline activist were swarmed by extremely armed police and were threatened with arrest for simply praying on the side of the road. They strip searched several protesters including actress Shailene Woodley and several other young native women. On October 22 more than 80 protesters were arrested and held at the Morton County Law Enforcement Center. Arrangements were then being made to transport some of them to other detention centers. October 28th, however, is when the police really got out of control. Police stole several sacred items, attacked medics, attacked people injured in previous police assaults, used military weapons, tased and shot people in the face, shot horses, and arrested over 100 peaceful people, all while allowing a DAPL security guard to go after protesters with an AR-15. Prayer circles were interrupted to arrest people, and tipi’s were destroyed. These actions taken by the guard were uncalled for and unnecessary. Not only are we destroying their home but with the brutality, we are destroying their lives and physical health.

As a country I believe it is our duty to stand together. We must see when something is going wrong and put an end to it. I sit here Mr(s). President and ask you, to let our country know what kind of pain our fellow brothers and sisters are enduring with this catastrophe. I ask you Mr(s). President to speak out and end the suffering that these people are going through, to do nothing but to save their homeland. The land where they live and laugh and create memories with their families, and the land where many of their ancestors did so before them. Rise up Mr(s). President and end what could potentially be the beginning of the greatest pains our country has ever seen.

Yours Truly,
