Annie Missouri

#KYS... At least that's what people say

Lets talk about what people should do about teens killing themselves. Teens everyday are very sad and feels not worthy of life. They struggle everyday with issues that they have.Teens killing and hurting themselves is not the answer. People will be sad teens are hurting and trying to kill themselves. It is not worth it.

November 2, 2016

Dear President,

I live in Missouri and I hope one day I can meet you. please take note of these letters and do something about them.

Teens everyday are very sad and feels not worthy of life. They struggle everyday with issues that they have.Teens killing and hurting themselves  is not the answer. People will be sad teens are  hurting and trying to kill themselves. It is not worth it. Teens should be happy and smiling. Spread the happiness around. Someone out there loves and cares about each teen. Do not give up something so beautiful as life.I remember when my friend Jane was around 6 or 7 she tried committing suicide with the rope around the neck method but failed. I am glad she failed because I would not have met her had she succeeded.

There is no easier way to say it. Teens should not kill themselves. Teens should not take their own life like that. I said it before I will say it again. Teens wanting to kill themselves  is not the answer. I do not need for a friend of mine or any teen to hurt/ kill themselves. Teens killing and hurting themselves is very sad and no one should think that's okay! Instead of teens moping around they should just try and enjoy life. Teens should keep their head up not down. According to American Foundation For Suicide Prevention: Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US. Each year 42,773 Americans die by suicide. For every suicide 25 attempt. Suicide costs the US $44 Billion Annually. On average, there are 117 suicides per day. That means that there are a lot of suicides every day and that is not good. The hope lies in suicide preventions that help teens who are suicidal. 

Thank you for taking time to read these letters. I hope you as president will make a good impact on this nation.

