Ramon Missouri

Presidents Exposed!!!!!!!!

As if school/college is not hard enough and you have to pay for it.

Dear President,

My name is Ramon and for the last month i have been preparing to write you this letter.

School/College is too hard for some people.They don’t get to show their full potential of what they can do but they can't because everyone has different brains,strengths,past,and ways of learning .The teachers  are forced to teach a certain way that some people might not get or understand so i know that the school/college system is flawed .Yeah some people are more ignorant than others and don’t listen or don’t want help but they need it and sometimes the teacher can’t really help them .The system forces them to teach in a certain way.I know that college is too expensive.Most people are in debt after college and some people still don’t understand and drop out. 40% of students will not get a degree. I know people that went to school that needed help but was too ignorant to ask.The reason is i know people that are in college debt and people who didn’t finish school. They didn’t get the help they needed and even though they passed high school they don't understand college.30% of high school students in the U.S drop out.They really didn’t understand what they learned.33% of students dropout of college.According to Readers digest article Is the American School System Damaging Our Kids?by Peter Gray "When schools were taken over by the state, made compulsory, and directed toward secular ends, the basic structure and methods of teaching remained unchanged." "Subsequent attempts at reform have failed because they haven’t altered the basic blueprint."

The problem is in a class there is 20 students more or less with one teacher each student has different stories,strengths,brains, and beliefs.So that one teacher can not help all the students because they are forced by the system to teach a certain way.Its like trying to make a dolphin walk, a eagle swim,and a cheetah fly it not possible.So you can’t force someone to do something that they are not good at but if you help them get better at what they want to do.So you can’t tell anyone what they want.So you can’t force someone to do something that they can’t do but what they can do.So let us dream,lets us achieve our dreams,lets us choose our own path its our lives cause if you let us learn what we want to learn.There would not be as much problems instead of wasting your time and our time on people who don’t want to learn.Ever year 1.3 million students dropout of school.

Thank you President for reading my letter and as you can see i care about people's education and that people get the help that they need so if you make changes to the school system to make it better and better rules it will help a lot of people.

