Sexist dress codes have been a major puzzle piece in the harsh world of Self-objection, sexual harassment, and complication with men and women toda...
Mental Healthcare is not available for many citizens in the United States, and as President you need to fix that.
Depression affects teens all over the world. Teens have problems because of this, and it effects their daily lives. We need to find more solutions ...
By changing our state of mind, we can save others from theirs.
Conversion camps need to be made illegal in the US due to their abusive practices.
25% of adults in the United States suffer from mental illness and suicide is the third leading cause of death in the United States in ages 10-24. H...
Human trafficking is an international crime that enslaves people. Victims are abused, tortured, and often die due to neglect
While the problem may seem small now, euthanasia is a major issue in the United States.