Student writers submit letters on issues they care about.
College tuition has been continuously rising over the years. The cost of college is causing many people to have a great amount of debt after colleg...
Why banning assault rifles is an ineffective goal and ultimately a bad decision for the U.S.
Fracking is a controversial topic in the election. Fracking is a process that allows oil companies to extract natural resources that are trapped in...
The national anthem is something that some people have begun to protest. These people, mostly professional sport players, are no longer standing a...
We as citizens need to acknowledge racial prejudices between all races and a need for law enforcement. Those who commit crimes need to be held resp...
The Patriot Act is a piece of legislation passed in response to the 9/11 terror attacks on the United States. The act gives government officials a ...
High school students who want to go to college need to take a test that is full of what they have learned. Testing should be less stressful and stu...
Law enforcement personnel are pressured daily as they put their lives on the line to protect the American people. Do we really expect law enforceme...
Many students are not getting into college because standardized tests are lowering their self-esteem and self-motivation. Colleges look at this one...
A recent protest has been started in the field of sports, and it's involving athletes kneeling during the National Anthem. Everyone has the right t...
Our unions are losing their importance. These organizations not only give voices to the weak, but they also give assurance of better lives.
In our current society there seems to be a misunderstanding between citizens and the police force. I believe that lack of police training may be on...
The United States has faced much discrimination in all forms, but the one I would particularly like to talk about in this letter is one that has ju...
The death penalty has been debated for many years, and I think it is time to eliminate it officially.
More often than not, our veterans are left to fend for themselves after they return home. We hear about the great benefits after leaving the servic...
Free College Tuition will be detrimental to our country. We will propel our economy further into debt and create a lower quality education.
Dear President: I am writing this letter to you about an issue that is important to me as well as my peers in high school and to children of all a...
Law enforcement officers show bravery and determination to protect citizens in their communities. Targeting law enforcement officers for the actio...
Is the US law enforcement racist?
Law enforcement officers should be respected more because of the hard work they do to keep our country safe.
Americans are worried about the government trying to take away our guns. Many believe that guns should be taken away, and some think otherwise....
The debate on the Second Amendment has been a ferocious one in the United States. Some hail the Second Amendment as the most ingenious text written...
Athletes have started kneeling during the National Anthem to spread awareness towards the inequality African Americans suffer every day. Even thoug...
The Juvenile Justice System is flawed and we need a better way to truly discipline children, not endanger them.
Monitoring what women and girls wear is a common practice in schools, churches, and places of work. Within the past five years, women around the wo...
This essay is a discussion of how the National Anthem Protest has affected everyday people.
Standardized tests play a tremendous role in what college we get into. Should our futures be so dependent on one score?
Thousands of high school students in Louisiana are struggling with the issue of losing TOPS. To most high school students, TOPS is the only way tha...
Everyone should be treated equally, including our police workforce.