Sexual assault, drugs, and guns are very prominent in the most unexpected places. Schools. These dangerous situations are going to destroy America'...
Suicide prevention and awareness doesn't get enough attention or publicity. The government should create a program to aid in spreading infor...
The top killer in our nation is almost completely preventable and, in most cases, reversible.
Our education plays a big factor in what we will do, who we will meet, and who we will become. Therefore, we need to have a good education system. ...
Although its not a major topic in any presidential discussions, the problems with our education is something that should be given more attention to.
With lower student loans, more students will be able to get the education they need.
Children with overweight parents are more likely to become overweight themselves, thus leading to diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other major ...
Youth are the key to a successful country to come. If we youth are not educated to our capacity, the nation drops to our level. We are not prepared...
I support the thought that the biggest issue in America is that we aren't that great at fixing issues. We need a better education system.
A letter to the future president about the cost of college.
Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) are given much more hate than they should. GMOs can solve many problems that face our society, without causin...
Putting taxes on sugary products and drinks could be the solution to decreasing obesity and consumption rates nationwide.
Beginning to understand how the War on Drugs is affecting everyday lives of those around us, is step one
In a world where a lack of knowledge causes fear, slashing through misconceptions about vaccinations can be difficult. However, by examining the...
"If we paid our teachers what we pay our celebrities, maybe one day we'd be smart enough to know better..." -Sir Ken Robinson
Our education isn't the best in the world. It affects our lives in many different ways. However, with the right idea we can make it a better opport...
Standardized testing is something that we need in life. It could just be something that is a little less apparent in our lives.
Teens are most at risk when it comes to suicide because they are at a vulnerable stage in life with lots of peer pressure pouring into their lives....
Negative impacts of factory farming and how every aspect of our Earth and community is harmed.
Suicide is a serious issue that America has today. Suicide prevention is very necessary if we want this problem to get better. The help of our pres...