Money, money, money but no cure. Pay thousands just to cure temporarily. People make millions while others are drowning in debt. This is unfair to ...
Around 13 million people have this disease and most get the support they need, but what about children with cancer? They do not have a voice in any...
Marijuana should be legal in the US.
In my family, I have seen relatives that have gone through this painful and hard situation. I made the decision to help not only the child but als...
The legalization of marijuana and its effect on the United States is a huge issue in our society.
My letter about how legalization of marijuana can positively impact our country
The US should legalize marijuana.
Marijuana Legalization
So you're telling me that a plant that has plenty of health benefits and can bring in lots of money for the government is illegal? Future President...
Over forty-nine million American citizens are putting themselves and the people around them in danger of disease and permanent damage to their body.