Women have to have the right to abortions. The alternative to safe abortion is something women should not have to resort to. Roe v. Wade changed th...
There is a great deal of controversy between the political parties in America over who should be the next president. Through this controversy, many...
There is a gender pay gap in the workplace, and we need to build a bridge to equal pay. Women earn less than men for the same jobs and it’s hurting...
Here are some reasons why do not have, and need, complete rights for women.
I wrote a letter to the next president concerning abortion laws.
All over the country women are being mistreated and we need to raise awareness to stop gender inequality.
Our government should continue to fund Planned Parenthood because of its effective role in our country.
Reproductive and abortion rights for women are extremely important, and will put our country in complete chaos if the wrong decisions are made. It ...