Nine thousand nine hundred and sixty seven lives were taken away during alcohol related accidents. Out of those nine thousand nine hundred and sixt...
Growing up, college is seen as a necessity that everyone does but somewhere along the line of our lives, the reality changed. College prices became...
From shootings, to the legalization of same sex marriage, to the barricading of this community's happiness and more, the LGBT+ Community does not g...
Hello, my name is Michael Ma and I am a senior enrolled in East-West School of International Studies in Flushing, NY. And the world needs our help.
Health care is helpful and important. However it is personal choice to get insurance or not.
Counseling for PTSD should focus on the individual but should also focus on their relationships with their family members and other loved ones in o...
Horses in the United States are being slaughtered for human consumption. There needs to be more prevention against this cruel and inhumane practice.
With my letter I want to bring a new problem to our new president with a fair solution.
The health care our county provides our veterans must be more efficient, preventing excessive waiting times and obstacles that currently exist.
Have you ever wanted to go to college, but feared at the expenses it would cost? Why should college be so expensive to the people who can't afford ...
Many people across America die from firearms every day. Think about what would happen if you or your loved ones were the victims of these criminal ...
My letter is about how bad animals are treated around the world by puppy mills and animal testing.
Imagine one of your pets being abused or neglected for profit or entertainment
Research shows that ages 12-17 are playing games like Grand Theft Auto and that’s 97% of them playing those types of games and the rest are playing...
Abortion is wrong.
Citizens need more options.
A letter to our future president on what he/she should do to better our nation, improve our security, and how people feel around they're own neighb...
Gender Equality is the greatest issue America is facing today because women aren't getting paid the minimum wage and they are doing the same jobs a...
Islamophobia is a big problem that you should address because mostly all Muslim students are getting hurt and people are making fun of them by sayi...
How open borders have changed America for the better and the worse.
Time to look at both sides. Do you think police brutality is a problem?
The recent ruling in Texas is causing major concerns to American communities about the benefits this law has on the American population.
Climate change is a growing problem in the world.
Domestic Violence is an extremely large issue. What will you do to lessen the issue?
Whoever the next president may be, gun control should be on their mind.
Abortion, one of the biggest debates there is. Not only is it a debate, but it’s also a very important topic; the debating needs to come to an end....
There are a lot of issues surrounding animal treatment. We need to fix issues like animal testing and dog fighting.
There are reasonable reasons as to why abortion should be illegal and that is understandable. People argue that abortion is killing an unborn child...
Throughout this country, women, especially women of color, are being paid less than men for doing the same job. This very unfair practice should be...
Many rights are being violated due to National Security regulations
The criminal justice system in this country needs to be improved!
The gender pay gap is a big problem. Women are getting paid less than men. Although this problem is getting better, it is not good enough. Everyon...
We should make a stand for undocumented immigrants because they are an important part of our community.
Keep undocumented immigrants in the US
To replace incarceration as a punitive measure for drug offenses with rehabilitation will reduce the holistic harm of the drug policy.
In America we have violence all around us. Many people feel threatened and violated because of violence. This negative energy must be stopped.
We are living in a world where climate change is an increasing problem, and continuing to burn fossil fuels will only make the problem worse.
Poverty is a huge problem on not only a national level, but also on a global level. Men and women have spouses and children to feed and provide for...
College tuition is getting in the way of other students achieving their education and life goals. I believe that the government can help make a bet...
We need to find a different way to get rid of trash. What we are doing currently is killing our earth
I strongly believe you should make it your primary effort to eliminate pollution from this great country. I say this because I don't want our futur...
Wildfires destroy whatever is in their path. Wildfires destroy people`s homes and animal habitats.
Police brutality on black people should be forced to an end
Climate change is an issue that will not only affect us, but especially the generations after us. The rising global surface temperatures and the de...
Abortion is not a matter for strangers to decide. Think about the woman not the unborn fetus.
The letter I have wrote is about ways we can help save our ocean by getting all of the garbage out and also ways we can use less plastic.
Illegal Immigration has affected me in several ways
For decades there have been issues over races, religion, and gender. But recently, there have been issues concerning law enforcement and the commun...
More medical research on glioblastomas, children are dying and suffering because of this brain tumor. Please help save the people of our county suf...
"Nuclear Energy, the ability to utilize the almighty power of the atom itself."
The Dark Web is a dangerous place for dangerous people. The government must find a way to shut it down before more people get hurt or killed.
In America the last years the taxes have started to increase a lot for the people who are in the middle class and that money goes to the government...
My views on the problems with education and possible solutions.
Racism in the police is a big problem that's affecting the black people in a very bad way through discrimination and abuse just because of their sk...
I wrote about the U.S.A's federal budget and how little our space program receives
There are many problems with education that cause students to have average or lower than average grades in most subjects compared to the rest of th...
The cost of college is a major issue for many teens applying to college. It affects their present lives as well as their future.
Lack of gun control in the USA is an exponential issue that screams for proper attention. Some of the true statistics of this current conflict have...
Many people from different continents com here for a new life.
The privacy of the Internet is importent
Ocean pollution is a serious issue in our world that we need to address and fix this issue soon.
The U.S. Economy is not in terrible shape, but it’s not in good shape either. I would say it’s merely just stuck. It will be hard to get out out of...
Children should be vaccinated because it protects them and the people around them from the spread of infectious diseases.
Just because you have the power to end a life doesn't mean you have to use and abuse that power. People are out here buying guns then selling them...
Nuclear energy is the most ideal option as we face the climate change crisis. It is the most cost effective method while releasing little to no gre...
Gun violence is obviously a major issue in America and something needs to be done. We need stricter gun laws so accessing one is difficult.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the state of the US economy.
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding pollution issues in our nation.
Gun violence is a problem in our country. Innocent people are being murdered and they have the right to live their lives as long as everyone else.
A dive into why free public college for everyone would be an economic disaster.
Rape culture is used to describe a society which blames rape victims for their assault and normalizes male sexual violence through pop culture and ...
As this funny quote says “ their is NO elevator to success. You have to take the stairs." What I am trying to point out is that education is the O...
The welfare system has been around for many years now, and thousands of people are using it. But is it necessary?
The US should reconsider spying on its own people and lend a forgiving hand to whistleblowers who broke the law in the name of preserving freedom.
Community colleges should be free.
I agree that taxes are a big deal in our society. Wealthy people pay 20% in taxes while middle class pay 40% in taxes. Some wealthy people don't ev...
Welfare is a corrupt system run by the government.
Cloning is just the tip of the iceberg of what problems it can ultimately solve
A higher minimum wage helps a lot of people in the United States. People are not happy with the minimum wage.
I wrote a letter addressing police brutality.
This letter's about how humanity can farm outer space minerals as a benefit for our future generation.
Criminal justice issues in the U.S. Police are killing innocent people, it makes a lot of Black/Hispanic die in this country.
Reasons to support marriage equality
Marital rape seems to be an issue in all 50 states. There have been many women that are married or have an ex-husband, who may have been raped by t...
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding the issue of poverty.
We need to keep the world healthy.
Immigrants are important in America
To protect our nation keep schools safe from school violence.
College athletes should be paid. They put in about 40 hours a week to play their sport and don’t get compensated.
Islamophobia is a serious growing issue in our country. Day by day the problems connected to Islamophobia are growing and it is affecting millions ...
Muslims in the United States experience violence in their daily life after 9/11 due to the idea of Muslims being terrorists
College tuition seriously needs to be reduced. College tuition needs to be lowered to reduce the amount of student debt. In May of 2013, 61,762 peo...
Global warming is a big deal. I want to see global warming addressed because it can have drastic effects on the climate.
I think the US President should help the US Education System improve.
There needs to be more solutions and stricter laws to prevent driving under the influence. People are losing family members unexpectedly. The next ...
I wrote a letter to our next president regarding too much homework among students around the country
In the U.S thre is a growing epidemic with teens and young adults taking a drug called heroin and we need to start preventing the use of this dang...
Religious companies should have the right to deny same sex couples' rights if it goes against their first amendment right.