We should stop animal cruelty.
The movement towards furthering pro-choice policies in the United States is one that should not be overlooked.
Animal abuse isn't as big as other issues, but is is just as horrible. Although it's illegal, it's still happening, and it needs to come to and end...
Animal abuse should be illegal.
Puppy mills are woman dogs that are stuck in a cage their entire life, pretty much, but they are just breeding over and over again, until they can'...
The president should make a home for each and every homeless person.
Millions suffer the plague of poverty, no one deserves it.
The usage of drones overseas should be continued. They keep US military personnel safe, kill fewer civilians than any other military weapon, and ar...
Poverty and world hunger are just a few of the many important issues in our country, in our nation, and in our world. There are people out there wi...
We need a higher minimum wage for our citizens to have a living wage.
Homelessness is a re-occurring issue in the U.S everyday. Over 600,000 people go without a home everyday. They are left to fend for themselves wi...