We need new strategies to help spread awareness about child abuse.
We need to spend more money on cancer research and treatments.
Hopefully this letter to the President will have an impact on their priorities and make gun violence a first.
Hypocrites of our Congress have held moments of silence for the Sandy Hook School Shooting but will not do a thing about it. Kids have been shot, b...
Since the end of the space race, funds for NASA have been declining resulting in delayed research, innovations, and voyages.
Very concerned about the health care problems in the U.S. Honestly, you should take a look.
Cancer is problem for people worldwide, let's put a stop to it in america then continue and help the rest of the world.
Cancer is a scary disease. It affects many families world wide.
A cure for breast cancer is important because it doesn’t just affect the person diagnosed with breast cancer but also affects their family and frie...
Cancer kills hundreds of thousands of people each year.
Doctors and scientists are working their hardest to find a cure for cancer but we need to work harder because too many people are dying and too man...