We want a future with less STD’s, fewer unwanted pregnancies and abortions, and a better understanding and acceptance of sexuality.
My letter is about creating a new scholarship for college students who's financial aid has ran out.
We need a change in our education system. It needs to change so we are learning more and can have more time to focus on school.
I believe that there is to much standardized testing, and it takes up to much classroom time that we could be learning.
In this essay i talk about how college debt. How college debt has gone up in the last couple years and why it costs so much to go to college.
The amount it costs to go to college she be reduced. Many people can't afford to further their education because of this cost.
In todays society, college is kind of looked at as mandatory. But, how can someone attend their dream college with no money to put into their tuiti...
Condoms, Birth control,etc...
Teen stress has increased drastically in the past years due to different reasons. Most of the stress in teenagers is due to education and teachers.
My take on why I believe American Sign Language should be taught in all schools.
I provide problems with job availability and some how immigration is effecting it.
Our education system needs to switch to the block schedule. It allows more time for the teachers and students. Block scheduling causes less stress ...