Throughout history, we have faced many hardships to becoming what others would refer to us as "the greatest country in the world," but in my opinio...
Terrorism is increasing and many lives are in danger. How are they using social media to plan these attacks?
Many teens committing suicide help stop that problem. Take a stand to help stop that big problem, in the .U.S.
Fake news is spreading fast due to people on fake news websites and social media.
For years we've been using social media, but have you ever stopped to think that maybe someone has violated your privacy.
Without even knowing it, many social media sites and articles are helping terrorists. Here's how to stop it.
The new incoming of social media is becoming too influential on the younger generation and affecting their self and world values.
We need to show young teens that they don't have to edit their photos on social media to be beautiful, by restricting the amount of editing profess...
FBI is trying to gain access to the privacy of our iPhones.