America could be great by making changes. New changes of terrorism, taxes, and other cultures can be a start.
People are dying every day just because of the color of their skin. The United States is better than this; it has to stop.
The riots against President elect Donald J. Trump are completely unnecessary. But, if they are so unnecessary, then why are they so big right now?
It doesn't matter what language you speak, what race you are in, or the color of your skin, we are all human and we should all be treated fairly, e...
Education has been segregated from the start of mankind. Donald Trump is believed to support this statement.
No one has helped blacks at all but looks at us to help them win elections and become the leader of America.
How can we fix the problem of college minority acceptance rates in America. Everyone deserves the chance to be successful.
Will my social status drop or stay the same?
Predominantly black schools in the US aren't given the same educational tools and resources as predominantly white schools.