My Social Status
Will my social status drop or stay the same?
To my next president...
Currently I am a middle-class citizen who lives in his wonderful home. Although many people look at me as the person I am, which is loving, fun, and civilized, I feel as if based on the next president my social status and class is at risk. Based on observations in previous debates/rallies I have come to the conclusion that the way I am viewed as a person could change. That once again, I will become another statistic.
Based on the color of my skin I am already looked at as a threat and a menace to society. Based on one of the candidate's rallies they have already attacked at least one race, so who's to say that they won't do the same to another? When you have the title President, you are very powerful and influential. So if you told America a certain belief, because you're so influential they may just accept your belief. So if you were to say that I, as a young black man, am dangerous, people may believe this, even though I am not. This is how my social status could be at risk, possibly being shunned by a lot of people. I also feel as if one of our candidates would not be able to handle a economic crisis. So if America's great economy was ever in the time of facing great pressure instead of logically thinking and handling one of these situations it would turn into a disaster. Thus this person could raise taxes like crazy and therefore destruct my social class. I could go from high middle class to be considered poor. This is why when electing president it should be carefully thought out when you make your vote.