A letter to the future president about the issue of net neutrality
Recent developments in discrimination and nativism challenge some of the constitutional standards of our republic. In searching for a remedy, we mu...
About deportation and how it affects everyone
Tests are bad.
This letter to the president revolves around police brutality and how it effects our everyday lives. Whoever our next president is, they need to at...
We need to protect LGBTQ+ youth from bullying
NCAA Student Athletes should be paid.
We need to stop pennies. They're evil.
Dear next president, you’ve got a lot of work to do. With America’s economy suffering, crime rates increasing, and government facing constant criti...
This essay is about stricter gun laws. This is because of the easy access to get guns, there are a lot of shootings by underage children, and there...
I created a letter about my concern for the amount of debt college students attain by the time they graduate and how it affects them and their futu...
This is for my home boi mr o'shell
The effects of white privilege on America today.
The obesity epidemic is out of control and there needs to be a stop to it. We need to help obese people with the proper physical and mental treatme...
We need to eat better
Illegal immigration and deportation systems
Issues with Foster Care
Becoming a U.S. Citizen shouldn't be so difficult, but it is due to the lengthy wait time, monetary and personal cost, and the fact that most immig...
Alcohol is a serious issue.