Honors 9th grade ELA students
The U.S. needs to go at these terrorist groups with everything they have and defeat these terrorists once and for all.
My claims against terrorism, obviously :p
There are some very big issues throughout America and lots of people have very different opinions of how big the issue is. An issue that I think is...
Gender inequality in the against women in the workforce has gotten more out of hand
The United States the gun show loophole should be closed along with the addition of basic background checks when purchasing a firearm because the c...
The money economy in the US needs to be changed.
Online threats encase the world-wide web like they’re viruses. They can seriously make someone suffer due to the feeling of anxiety and concern if ...
The mental health funding crisis is an increasingly important issue that is vastly affecting the nation.
This article is about the growing problem in america and how bad income inequality has come