American Lit
Corrupt foster care in the US.
Abortion isn't the safe way of getting rid of a child and I believe that abortion should be illegal.
The amount of money that is required to run for office is too much
Firearms must be further regulated to protect U.S. citizens.
Gun control laws in the U.S need some refinement
Marijuana does more than make people happy, hungry and sleepy.
Education in the US
The cost of college is outrageous.
College costs in America need to be reduced.
College athletes should not be paid.
An essay advocating the protection of federal lands.
America and All Its Colors
The organization Black Lives Matter has too much power to destroy lives based on opinions and not evidence.
The foster care system has to be reworked because there have been reports of neglect in the system.
Immigration and how unaccompanied children come to the United States and have many obstacles to overcome to live a better life.
Criminal justice is not equal for all races.
Is the media fueling the fire for racism?
Laws surrounding incarceration should be less harsh.
Animal abuse has been an issue for far too long and it's time for it to come to an end.
What can we do to reduce pet homelessness