Tenth Grade English Language Arts
This letter is about why we should not raise the minimum wage in the United States.
School Start Time
This is a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down
With these solutions, we win the battle to ending police brutality and racial stereotypes.
Article on my thoughts and research on college tuition.
All kid should have a chance at attending school.
The reasons why so man American's are loosing their jobs, and not being able to find another one.
Syrian refugees face incredulous terror, and some discrimination from radical Islamic groups. Free life is an unknown subject in this nation which ...
We should have more major political parties
Many bright students are unable to get a good college education due to their families not having enough money. This is a problem.
though many americans are wanting of tax cuts they are not as good as you would think
I wrote about what the next president should and shouldn't do to help our economy.
Gun control is not necessary, and will not be effective in the U.S.A.