College tuition
Article on my thoughts and research on college tuition.
Hello, I am sending you this letter to talk to you about the important topic of college tuition. I believe that college tuition is too high and this causes people to not be able to go to college because they cannot afford it. Colleges are an educated establishment to further your knowledge, give you the knowledge and preparation that you need, guide you in your field of interest, which leads to a job in that field. While many people do attend college, there is just as many or more who do not attend college. Actually, according to the chronicle of higher education, around 34% of 18-24 year old people do not attend college. Now, obviously we cannot say that all 34% of those people did not go because of not being able to afford it, but I can say from personal experience that If people had a choice to go to college they definitely would. My father was raised in a large family of 14, while that was hard enough, his dad worked endless hours just to be able to put food on the table. Being raised in a large family with little money, my aunts and uncles were not given the opportunity to make it big. None of them were able to go to college due to lack of money and almost all of them had to join the military as a last resort. When being asked about college, they all would agree that if they had the opportunity to go to college, they said it would have changed all of theirs lives for the better. A common high school job is not nearly enough to afford college, according to the chronicle of higher education, $42,224 was the average cost to attend a residential private 4 year college in 2011 and 2012. But there is only one problem, that's not where it ends⦠On top of that $42,224 dollars for the four years of college, you are also having to pay for other essentials such as a place to live, food, insurance, etc. This is yet another reason that college tuition is holding people back from achieving their career goals. The Bureau of Labor Statistics stated that college tuition has raised in cost more than any other major company around the world at a total of 289% in the past two decades. For the people who do go to college, you might ask, where are they are getting the money to pay for their tuition fees. Well the answer lies in student loans. According to Richard Vedder, part of the american enterprise, 40 million people have some sort of student loan and 70% of graduating college students have debt. He also states that the amount of debt is around $37,000 dollars per student. This is a major problem that exists in our world, where 70% of people who go to college come out with $37,000 dollars of debt. Students in our generation are going to have the hardest time surviving due to not being able to go to college or having the opportunity to go to college but graduating with major debt. That is why I support the rationalization that college should lower their rates to a more affordable cost. This would not only save all of the graduates from drowning in debt, but it would also let the people who may not grow up in that perfect family, with all of that money, have a chance to be what they desire to be and have an equal chance to succeed in their goals.
Thank you,
Nathan Locher