How music education has improved the lives of all.
Women's rights and the problems American women face as a whole. Looks into Why we have some of these problems. Focuses on Wage Gap, Sexual assault/...
Schools should have a study hall for students to get more homework done. It is clear that many students simply do not have time in their schedules ...
Teachers are underappreciated, and underpaid. Many teachers have complained and even left the profession.
If a woman does as much work as a man does, then she should get paid the same amount of money as him.
Standardized tests have always been a way to compare students, they are an unfair way to judge the abilities of an individual and are not worth the...
Equal rights; women aren't equal to men and the media making it look like celebrities are higher than us but really we are equal.
This letter is a plea to have nation or state wide start times for high schools changed, or made more uniform.
Teachers are essential building blocks to creating a better society. Without them, America would be nowhere as advanced as it is today. So then why...
Women and at risk students deserve equal opportunity.
Letter to the President about equal rights on how women and men should be treated the same.
This is why standardized test should be edited for better results
More government involvement in the physical conditions of public schools in America
This letter addresses the serious issue that is, teachers being paid insanely less than professional athletes.
Teacher's salaries are simply too low right now and they need to be increased. Teachers are the people that educate the future of our nation and th...
The wage cuts upon teachers.
The need to reform the United State's Education System.