Maybe one day your kids wants tattoos and blue hair, but also wants to be a doctor. Of course you'll tell them they can be and do anything they wan...
Students get too much homework, and it's affecting their grades and stress levels. Students go to school for 6-8 hours a day and then get 1-4 hours...
Everyone knows that the world changes everyday, sometimes negatively or positively. Air pollution, melting ice, etc are all current environmental i...
A formal letter to the Future President on the issues of School Meals.
The public schooling in America needs to change because it is not effective and has many flaws, such as homework for a lot of students and also no...
Standardized testing has bad effects on students.
Over-stressed and of no Significance
Homework is just too much to deal with these days. It takes time away from being a kid, having family time, and just doing what you want to do.
State testing needs to be banned! Standardized tests put too much stress on students who need to be focusing on school work and not these tests.
Redos and Retakes on homework and tests are hurting to students that are going to college.
I would like your help to change the requirement of standardized testing. These standardized test reek many hardships on children's lives. The foll...
Students don't have time to work outside of class; no more homework!