Dear next president. did you know Many families in Louisiana are dependent on the oilfield. in small towns in and around Louisiana that and farming...
All citizens should be treated equally.
The Juvenile Justice System is flawed and we need a better way to truly discipline children, not endanger them.
All people should be equal, no matter what skin color.
A friend told me that wisdom is a lot different than smarts. I wanted the political party representatives to realize that KNOWING what to do as pot...
Inequality needs to stop its getting to much out of hand
The base of this country was built on freedom of religion, so how come people are getting criticized for being Christians. Without God , our countr...
Racial equality and inequality is getting out of hand, and needs to be addressed.
Racial Inequality is a prominent occurrence, even in 2016. How will the future president work to unite black and white American citizens?
Current issues about Racism.