Better healthcare should be brought over to more poor countries to help take care of the sick and get the attention they need, whether they can aff...
Why Us Citizens Need Guns
Questioning the contribution of the United States in the Refugee and Migrant Crisis in Europe and Africa
The views on abortion are all different, but my hope is that you see what the people want, and not what you think should be right.
It is finally my turn to be going off to college soon, I am extremely excited, I've been waiting my whole life for this. The safety on college camp...
College has always been the next step of my life after high school and still is but for some people college is not there next stop in high school. ...
Since September 11th there has been an increase in airport security, but is it enough?
Many other countries have strong programs that allow students to get education beyond high school. America needs reform to advance in education.