We need to give bullies harsher punishments. They're not going to change if we keep giving them baby punishments.
Do you listen to other people? Are you going to follow other people and do what the say, or be yourself. Bullying and cyber bullying is a big issu...
This is why I want to try to stop suicide people have been bullying and cyberbullying kids to we’re they want to hurt them self.
Bullying is a very bad thing that needs to be fixed, but with the help of you, Mr./Mrs.President, you can help.
Why are we not trying more to stop suicide and save lives?
Are you a bully, or are you a victim? Help the world say neither.Make your mark and take a stand. Be a hero...
"Haha, GAAAYY!" How many times do you hear that in a day? Echoing down school halls, ringing out on streets, but do you pay any mind to it? Everyon...
The LGBTQ community has been subject to harassment for too long.
I feel Gun control should be enforced more than it already is, to many people have been killed because of these loose laws.
There are ways we can end bullying and the President can help.
Bullying that can lead to suicide or self harm is a serious topic that needs to be stopped.