Drugs are making our country a doghouse and we need to fix this issue. It is harming everyone around the nation and has many horrible effects.
There's an automatic barrier that stands between political parties, and it ultimately hinders us from having the crucial conversations that matter ...
Stop trying to stop the three states' recounts.
Racism will remain the biggest issue in this country until we are all clear on how serious the situation is.
Summary: I was raised to believe in two things: that everyone is equal and as such everyone should be treated with respect. I am worried to see how...
Help improve my community; we can't do nothing.
Letter To Next President -Matthew L.
Imagine being in trial for a crime and being found guilty, despite the substantial evidence pointing towards your innocence. This is the feeling th...
According to CNN, states require more training time to become a barber than a police officer. This may be the reason there is an increase in polic...
The false perceptions on immigration.