Change has to be made in order to help and reduce the increasing population of people who are homeless in the United States.
Between the years of 2011-12 and 2016-17 college tuition went up 9% in public 4 year colleges. Does the tuition really need to cost more?
The treatment of the LGBTQ+ community is unfair and people need to feel safe in their own skin
Police brutality is bad for this country.
The early start of school is affecting thousands of teens around the world, and it's not for the better.
We need to help out wild life because if we don't we may never see them again.
This letter is about sexual abusers on how it make us feel and how it also makes females feel ,not safe anywhere and that it should be stopped.
Although racial profiling is looked down upon by the Constitution, it is still a vast problem within the country. White supremacy rules our country...
One of the biggest controversies in America is Immigration and how it should be handled. Legal Immigration truly defines our country and makes us t...
This letter was written in Mr.Leeper's 7th period ethnic studies class at Aptos Middle School in San Francisco, CA. We are writing to express our f...
Many personal choices such as Abortion and Same-Sex marriage, have a controversial title, but its up to us to put an end to that.
Syria and the refugee crisis is a big problem now in the United States and the next president needs to solve this issue.
I think that the president should illegal immigrants become U.S citizens.I
A letter addressing the Rape Culture problem in today's society and how Rape Culture is established.
More than half of the American population aren't able to afford the college expense rates today.
There is no reason that we can not help solve poverty and homelessness.
All people in our country deserve a good education. More than one tenth of our country is made up of immigrants who can not afford a proper educati...
Letters to Future President
This election has been one for the books
This letter discusses the importance of women's rights and equality in the work force.
Discrimination is a never ending problem in our world which causes unnecessary pain and trauma. Discriminating others because of their skin color o...
Make the future of America great when the hear the word America
The people of the gay community need your help. We have our rights, that is true, but we seek your aid in guaranteeing our safety inside and outsid...
College Tuitions are too high for the low-income students.
I believe that in order for our country to efficiently solve problems and create a better country for ourselves and future generations, we need to ...
In my opinion, we the United States, legalize marijuana, we can help lives with medical conditions.
No one has the right to change or attempt to change anyone's sexuality. The next step that will lead our country to progress to new heights is by b...
College prices go out of reach for many young adults. People can't go to college because they can't afford it. College is something everyone should...
Police attacking the innocents
a short video about how violence does not solve problems
Immigrants are not treated right in the United States.
If we all used energy produced by natural resources like solar and wind, we could eliminate the use of nuclear energy and coal consumption.
This is my letter on the issue of Climate Change
U.S.A and Russia should work together.
Defunding Planned Parenthood would not only affect a woman's choice to abort, but it would affect the many other educational programs that Planned ...
The immense tragedy that has been caused by the leniency of America's gun control. Especially events of the past few years should be a wake up call...
Every girl should have control of her past, present and future.
Taxes are necessary for our social safety net
Racism is ruining our country.
Students require more sleep to perform at their maximum academic potential and to complete daily tasks.
Women should possess basic rights such as the right to choose and the right to equal pay. Giving rights to women is giving protection to women, som...
How are you, as the next President of the United States going to handle not only illegal immigration law, but also the illegal immigrants in the co...
Together we can save lives and stop criminals. We must vote to enact more gun control laws.
The next president needs to address and adapt policy to protect the environment. The problem has been ignored and downplayed for too long. This is ...
A letter to you in regards to California prop 64
Dear future president, I hope you are having a wonderful day, and I am thrilled that you have the time to read my message. There are some topi...
Curbing access to guns will help bring peace to American streets.
Feeling belittled by a individual who feels they are in high society. In my poem video, it talks about how people feel toward this "high and mighty...
We have polluted our environment and it's our job to stop it
Now's the time to look around and see what we can do for people who are searching for a hopeful future and trying to create a life that we take for...
Global warming is not a hoax, we need to act fast before a mass extinction, which endangers and could wipe out humanity. Terrorists and the nationa...
Everyone should have a gun, for self defense purposes only. The only way this would happen if background checks are longer and more sophisticated.
I think that the president should let immigrants become U.S citizens.
Nationwide economics education can help prepare our citizens for the future.
I wrote about how the drinking age should be lowered to 18.
How do we manage to rack up millions in debt? Why are a large number of us unable to afford a visit to the hospital? Quite simply, because of overp...
According to a CNN poll, 49% of Americans still view racism as a gargantuan problem. It has been 50 years since the Civil Rights Act was passed, so...
It's something we should all have and give.
The fact that US produces 624,700 metric tons of trash every day isn't the greatest issue. Its that most Americans don't know!
Millions of Americans,people are drugs abuse.And we should stop that and make a programmed that is call drugs can affect you.
Letter To Next President -Matthew L.
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens
Education is important for everyone. Not just the rich or the poor, but for everyone.
There are 318.9 million people waiting for you to listen, and speak up for the ones that cannot speak for themselves.
The benefits of Immigration programs like DACA and DAPA are life changing.
Immigration is an important problem to me because I don't like the way that immigrants are getting discriminated do to the reason that they come in...
I have multiple issues about making sure everyone having equal rights in America.
Leslie Vasquez shares her feelings about the challenges facing immigrants in the United States. She asks the next president to help support immigra...
The future Ms/Mr president should worry about gun control
We need to change the system of how we conserve our energy and reuse things so living would be much easier with fresh oxygen and no stress about th...
College tuition is on the rise, destroying the drive of the future generation of America.
Leadership and integrity is about doing the right thing, not the popular opinion.
Dear Next President, how much does the earth matter to you? The earth was created around four billion years ago, allowing any living organism to su...
Despite the skepticism of many, the impact of climate change cannot be denied. We must get serious about counteracting the effect of climate chang...
I think that the president should let illegal immigrants become US citizens.
I am writing this letter to inform you of the social injustices the people are facing daily through the fear of police brutality.
Animals are valuable as humans are.
Animal abuse needs to stop because 1.2 million dogs and 1.4 million cats are dead each year because of animals abuse. So animal abuse needs to sto...
Part-time employees don't get pay overtime unless you work 40 hrs or more.
The average American class size is growing every year as thousands of teachers are laid off. These classes need to shrink and the teacher populatio...
Enrollment of students into college are being reduced as the price of college tuition remains out of reach.
Climate change is becoming a big issue and no one is changing for our future. What will you change?
I think that the president should let illegal immigrant become U.S citizens.
We need to add certain rules to accommodate pro life and pro abortion sides.
Education beyond high school is not free, in fact it is very expensive. In this letter I explain how I feel this PROBLEM should be addressed and ho...
Illegal immigration has become a problem in this country. The Latino and Hispanic communities want to be apart of this country in pursuit of the Am...
My thoughts on Drug and alcohol abuse. What our next Action?
Women should not be forced to keep a baby if they aren't ready. The woman who is carrying the baby should have the decision if she wants an abortio...
I'm talking about how we can help or fix gun control. also talking about people with PTSD and how they are affected and how they can
Animal abuse through forcibly keeping pets needs to be stopped.
I'm a student at Aptos and currently writting this in Mr. Leeper's Ethnic Studies class. We have been talking about the election for the past week ...
I hope the president is reading this. I hope whoever the president is going to be, I hope they will do something good for this country. I hope the ...
A short explanation of the facts for gun laws and the second amendment and why it shouldn't be taken out of the constitution
I think that the president should should let immigrants become U.S. citizens.
Family is an important election issue.