In order to reach world wide peace we must first respect each others differences.
My letter is about preventing suicide.
Dear next president, I'm a sophomore at Belgrade High School. I feel that there are too many guns in America. There are always accidents with guns...
A look at the issues of depression and the way the young youth are disciplined and parented.
My letter is talking about how suicide is affecting the world and the people in our community. Suicide is something we need to stop. People need to...
This letter talks about what people do to themselves when they get bullied and how bullying could be stopped.
Our veterans shouldn't have to live fearful, distressing lives. Lets bring more awareness to this issue.
There are more than 200 mental illnesses. Listen to the pain of the people and families that are affected by mental illness.
Abortion is not okay it is first degree murder. You say its your body but the baby growing inside of you has it'sown body and has a future that are...
My story is on Abortion. It is wrong and first degree murder. Killing babies is wrong since there are ways to prevent getting pregnant.
Homeless shelters being able to help those in need can benefit the business and the person they are helping.