Are you worried knowing that their is people out their that live in poverty? Here is how you can change that and why you should.
All divorced parent's children sacrifice their whole childhood by only being able to see their mom or dad (full custody), but it doesn't have to be...
The programs in place in the US to help refugees are pretty flawed, and could use some changes.
Many families in the United States are divorced. The current divorce rate is 40 and 60 percent for those recently married and end up to 10 perc...
Ms.Dickerson Class of 2018
Ways we can prevent divorce.
I want to increase the income for single parent families who are struggling to take care of there kids because of their small incomes. This is very...
Government Entitlement Programs are being taken advantage of by the wrong people. It is great to have in many ways for the people who are physicall...
How we can cut welfare spending and put it towards growing our military.
There should be more free surgeries given out to the uninsured.
There should be better programs that help the homeless get jobs. Donations and funding toward the programs can help decrease homelessness.
I feel every 4-year-old in the state of Minnesota should be given the oportunity to recieve a free pre-k education.