
Divorced Programs

Many families in the United States are divorced. The current divorce rate is 40 and 60 percent for those recently married and end up to 10 percent higher for remarriages. Most of the divorces that occur have children under the age of 18. Divorce challenges adults and children into numerous adjustments.

Divorce Programs

Divorce is probably as painful as death… By Lauren M.

Although I am far from the age of marriage, I avidly have been researching the latest programs in the nation for kids who need support. Many of the problems, such as the money expenses, have not affected me personally but many other kids in this situation have been affected. I understand the concepts of the troubles, but today I wanted to write about a problem that I care about, one that I have been through.

Therefore, I set to work and started researching. Many families in the United States are divorced. The current divorce rate is 40 and 60 percent for those recently married and end up to 10 percent higher for remarriages. Most of the divorces that occur have children under the age of 18. Divorce challenges adults and children into numerous adjustments. While each child’s divorced parents are different, the majority will weather these changes successfully, and grow up to become significant adults. However, up to 25 percent of children whose parents divorce experience bad behavior and ongoing emotions and difficulties(as the other 10 percent of children whose parents do not divorce). I understand that this issue does not happen a lot as other issues happen everyday but put yourself in the kids and the parents shoes, think how would you feel if you were them, what would you do to help you and your children?

Five years ago, I went a program in serra mesa to help me get through my divorced parents. My family separated and moved to two different places. Little by Little, I started acting out. And eventually I had to start to go to therapy and programs which costed a lost of money. My parents did not care about the money the just didn’t want me to be stressed and misbehaving. After going to therapy for a while the therapist suggested I should go to a program with other kids that are going through the same thing as me. As I saw how many kids there were that were going through the same thing as me, I realized that I needed to make a difference for myself and my parents so they did not have to worry about another problem(me). I thought to myself “Why make it harder for my parents then it already is?”

Arguments and not being able to work things out are not the only causes of divorce, but children are also a great contributor. There is about 9,573,120 families that divorce a year. Which most of the families do not put their children in programs because of money cost, poorness, or they think it is a waste of time and they will deal with their child's attitude. I am not saying that all kids going to programs to help them can be prevented, but in the past year, many of the kids could have been going. A majority of former couples are able to establish a relatively conflict-free parenting relationship for the benefit of their children. However, about a third have difficulty in establishing a workable parenting relationship, even years after the divorce. This all leads to kids breaking the rules and running away from home or even worse suicide.

So it is up to you, Mr.President, Are you willing to sacrifice the children and their difficulties, of our nation’s divorce families? Will their be less divorced families? Or will the next American be barren, overpopulated? This country is in your hands, Mr.President. Please take care of my country, our country, wisely.