The next president should influence foreign policies to help women in other countries.
Abortion and women's rights is one of the most controversial topics right now. Defunding abortion clinics and shutting them down would be like taki...
We need to destroy the unfair discrimination against women in the workplace.
Future females in the workforce should not have to deal with the issues pertaining to the gender and cultural wage gap. You, future president, have...
We don't need gender neutral bathrooms because they are unsafe and we have more pressing matters to deal with.
How will you improve and maintain proper health care for the women of America? What are the future improvements and changes you will make as presi...
Women should get pay paid based on their work ethic and accomplishments rather than by what they look like on the outside.
In this letter, I will be explaining the importance of people understanding that abortion is a good but also a bad thing. Having an abortions doesn...
There is a new topic waiting to become a law, as well as one of the main points the new president needs to work on once they get to office. The nee...
Many issues in America require the attention of many people in America.
There is a gap between how much the male and female species earn at their jobs. It is completely unfair and needs to be put to a stop.