Honors Class
"Those who have the strength and the love to sit with a dying patient in the silence that goes beyond words will know that this moment is neither f...
There are over 7 billion people on the earth, so why do so many people feel alone?
College tuition prices are way to high for any student to pay. Many students will leave college in a huge amount of debt. There is almost $1.2 tril...
Many people spend all of their days at school, and the pressure being put on them has increased greatly in the past couple of years. I believe some...
Sleep is an important part of life and an important part of learning new and exciting things.
There are lots of people that get into this country illegally. These people are not always a threat, but they can be. Some people who come int...
In the United States, colleges are getting increasingly more expensive by year. By the time students graduate college, their dept is crippling. I t...
I am advocating for the second amendment. I believe the second amendment should not be infringed, but instead should be protected.
In America, women earn an average of 80 cents for every dollar a man makes for the same work. Women and men are equal, and women have the ability t...
Homework has become too much for students around the world. Such high expectations are put on high school students today and stress levels are beco...
Why gun control is necessary to keep the citizens of America safe.
Schools start too early in the morning, causing students to lose sleep. Sleep deprivation is common among high school students and can lead to many...