22nd period class
Syrian Refugees should be admitted to the United States and protected from the reach of ISIS.
As a nation I believe that the need for fossil fuel to power life needs to come to end, now we must start using more clean, efficient and renewable...
Are we able to afford college anymore?
I believe that racial profiling is one of the many reason why America can't make any progress with making world peace and it needs to be address pr...
Affordable college is a MUST! Were the future of America.
We are the people who face the struggles of America and the struggles of immigration itself.
Gun laws need to change, as it has caused so much violence over the years in our country. People have used guns in all the wrong ways, hurting them...
I would like to see the next U.S. President address the overwhelming issue surrounding police brutality, concerning every person of color.
Abortion is the biggest issue facing the nation. Women should have a choice in what to do with their bodies.