Ebz California

Health Care is a Basic Human Right

Whoever the president may be, listen to what the people need. Not only those who support you, but those who don't support you as well because being President means the people have the power and we give you that power to govern us. People need health care. It’s a basic human right.

Dear Mr/s. President,

I hope you don’t take offense to honesty because that’s all I have to say in this letter. You weren’t my first choice. I simply hope that you will better this country and that includes everyone, even immigrants and minorities. I would want you to prioritize education and health care because it is expensive. What I mean is make our education system re-written by actual students, not adults who think they know what’s best. In reality, they don’t know what’s best for us. They claim to help as but to put into perspective if a student isn’t good at Art, it’s okay, but if a student isn’t good at Math, they’re immediately labeled as stupid and will never get by in life. Students are forced to take classes that will not matter to them in 10 years. On top of that, students are forced to take tests based on memory. I personally believe that tests should be based off application AND mastery of the subject.

Meanwhile, in healthcare, thousands of Americans have/get no medical insurance nor services. Specifically women who need female/gender fluid clinics. Specifically for their bodily needs. Example: Monograms, birth control, ovarian cancer care. Planned parenthood is doing this already but please acknowledge how often they got shot up and death threats to the patients and employees, on top of that threats of getting defunded. Many low income women rely on planned parenthood to get what they need for all female needs. Whoever the president may be, listen to what the people need. Not only those who support but those who don't support you as well because being president means the people have the power and we give you that power to govern us. People need to fix this messed up education system. People need health care. It’s a basic human right.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

Photo by Images_of_Money (Creative Commons)

Fremont High School

Youth Voices

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