Abortion? Yes or no?
Immigrants come to the US to escape the malevolent. They are trying to survive and provide a better life for their families and themselves, just li...
We need to eradicate the issue of poverty before it spirals out of our control.
Immigrants should be allowed to live in a place where many of us call it home.
about how the system should be changed.
I wrote about what the next president should and shouldn't do to help our economy.
College tuition cost needs to be lowered for the success of this Nation to grow
Bullying is a big issue and must be stopped.
The U.S.A was created for freedom not for violence.
Everyone should have equal human rights like anyone else in the U.S.
We need to help put a stop to pollution, global warming, and deforestation before it is to late.
I am writing about immigration, because their is a problem. The problem is their isn't one! I don't see the problem with immigration! Here's why......
The LGBTQ community should have the same rights as everyone else.
Make America Great Again with Clean Renewable Energy Policies
Women’s rights is an important topic around the world, that should be discussed more.
Many students are struggling to pay for college due to the increasing costs over the years. There are many easy methods we can use to help students...
This paper explains why stricter laws and background checks are the solution to violence in America today.
Terrorism is the number one problem that needs to be addressed by our next president.
This letter is about how to save the pandas and research about them.
Equal pay for both men and women.
The environment is getting out of hand these days. The climate change, pollution and habitats are a big issue for many people/ animals. We need to ...
Gun violence has become more and more common in America, please stop people from purchasing guns so we can stop gun violence.
Dear Future President, Can you remember a time of being bullied and asking your parent or an adult for help? I think bullying should be removed in...
Mandatory vaccinations would greatly help our country.
The Death Penalty is a big issue and should be put in place to help prevent crime.
People In the U.S think its okay to take away black lives . These are my reasons why Black people should be treated as anyone else in this world.
Voting for our next President is very important and the people that are voting have a huge impact on that. So us younger, fresh minded people want ...
Immigration, Equality and Women's Rights.
The polar ice cap is melting, the Earth is getting warmer, and we need to do something about climate change.
I think that technology use in the classroom is better than using books.
The cost of college tuition a main political issue that will impact me the most in the near future. College tuition rates are higher than ever and ...
There are 11 million immigrants who are undocumented and they're benefitting this country.
I want to have free or affordable college for everyone in america
Bullying is a very common and dangerous issue in America, every single day kids are being pushed and pushed to believe that they are dumb, stupid, ...
This letter serves to question our government and their role in promoting a safe environment. It questions whether our government's job is to prote...
Dear president, I would like to inform you on a problem we have in our country.
Islamophobia is an especially important issue our nation faces today. It is unjust to prosecute one whole religion that makes up 1/7 for the action...
Abortion should be legal because it could safeguard a female's health, and it gives them a sense of control over their own bodies. Illegal abortion...
Mental health and addiction are two major concerns for John Diveris, who feels treatment options and over-prescription are doing nothing to help th...
School lunches
Abortion should be stopped. It should not be legal for a woman to terminate her child in the womb because doing so is murder. Those babies are unab...
This is a letter about why and how we should combat climate changes. gases or pollution can kill the Earth. So we need to take care.
There is a gun show loophole in the US, and criminals can take advantage of it.
Abortion should stay legal in the United States. Why would the leader of the free world make a decision that would oppress the women of our nation?
There is too much testing in America; it's stressing students to the max!
Gun laws are important so we should change them.
My concern with the countries economic problem.
This has become personal
In this persuasive paper I talk about the three things I think the president should be the most concerned with and about.
Have we come to the point in America where another human has control over decision's made about another person's body? Have we come to the point wh...
I think this country is failing in education and we need to stop it! An average school day is 6 to 7 hours and only about two of those are spe...
Standardized testing takes up too much time and money and, in return, students get stressed. Not a win-win situation.
The Favelas are Shanty towns located in Brazil.
Animal abuse is becoming worse, and worse in our world, and it needs to stop. Read on to see my opinion on it. I have a strong story that relates t...
Dear Next President,
The letter explains how our country has changed in recent years and how change should be made for the good of all people.
Black men must be treated fairly.
We need to start paying attention, and sacrificing things we don't need, for things we do, like oxygen, and a place to live.
Abortion and police violence needs to STOP.
Women, not only overseas, but in the US experience gender prejudice on a daily basis. Read here to learn about some of the hardships that women in ...
My letter consists of the trials and errors pertaining to teen drug abuse and how it affects the families and the people that use them. It also sta...
Graduate's huge college tuition debt...yep it's a thing.
In the past two years, there were many reports of police brutality. To prevent this situation from happening further, you and the Congress can est...
Individual rights are being infringed upon due to individuality, but supposedly we're united?
Poverty is a large problem, and so many children are not getting a good education due to poor funding to high-poverty areas, and because poverty ca...
Why we need to get rid of and keep Marijuana out of the U.S.
Bring down the drinking age.
A letter to the future President involving the idea of gun control. These dangerous weapons affect many communities.
Colin Kaepernick refusing to stand during the national anthem disrespects all veterans. This is why racial problems need to be solved or America co...
Legalization of gay marriage in all 50 states
Women deserve a choice.
Lessening human harm
This letter is about the problem income inequality and what the next president needs to do about it.
Gun control is a big problem in U.S today, we need to find a solution to fix it.
Many families in America do not have occupations that generate enough money for their kids to go to college.
The expectations placed on America's teenagers are greater than ever before. Stress levels among American adolescents is at an epidemic level. Can...
The police force of the United States is running on an outdated system that wasted money while taking away money from the offices and offers a serv...
Immigrants from Mexico are coming the the United States for a better life and more opportunities to succeed.
Assault weapons appear a lot in mass shootings and increase the death rate of these mass shootings tremendously. Many people in this country agree...
Is police brutality a major problem in the United States?
Putting an end to an atrocious practice.
We need to live in a safe country. This letter addresses ISIS and terrorism.
Dear Madam or Mr.President: I need to address something to you before you go to office, My name is Marco Fermin and i want to ask somethi...
I am against animal abuse
Climate change has been one of the biggest issues that was caused primarily by the humans. Temperature is rising, sea level is rising, lots of anim...
Abortion is wrong in so many ways, not all of them can be named.
Female athletes should be payed equally as men.
The problems of homelessness.
Research shows that many students are suffering from the suffocating feelings of anxiety and failure due to the constant stress school inflicts on ...
Bacteria are becoming resistant to all of our antibiotics, and action needs to be taken before this issue grows out of hand.
The gender pay gap is a big problem. Women are getting paid less than men. Although this problem is getting better, it is not good enough. Everyon...
My summary is about how Racism was formed and what happened during racism.
I believe that school food should be changed because the school food is fake, nasty, and some of it is unhealthy.
The once flourishing charter school movement is now being derailed.
This letter is about black people.
The country's safety and future is in the hands of our law enforcement like police officers, firefighters, lawyers and sheriffs. Is the power goin...
Animals are dying everyday to our human ways. They then soon die off from the world. We need to stop this before we kill ourselves, let's save the ...
Talks about the issues of prescription drugs and how easily they are abused
People don't need to be wondering if they can pay for medicine and Medicare.