Jack West Virginia

Right to Bear Arms

Right to bear arms

I know that you have an enormous amount of priorities ahead of you as the next president of the United States, but I believe one stands out more than any other. I believe that the freedom to bear arms is very vulnerable, and it is our job to help the 2nd Amendment regain the pride it deserves. Gun control will do nothing to help the American public defend itself from threats like ISIS and other outside forces. BY taking our guns, civilians become vulnerable and helpless. The confiscation of our firearms puts America at risk of crumbling. As a civilian, I am concerned for my friends and family that one day, an individual will decide to forcibly take away the last line of defense that we have. Our founding fathers decided long before you and me that the right to bear arms was an undeniable right for each and every US citizen. I trust that you will assist the individuals that have placed their faith in you by defending what is ours.

Best of luck and God bless,

Jack B.

Wheeling Park High School


This is a group of juniors and seniors in a high school composition course.

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