Our rights to the 2nd Amendment
I believe the 2nd Amendment is a very important topic. My right to own a weapon is something that is important to me. It is a hobby that I enjoy and allows me to feel safe in my own home. The fact of the matter is that this right is a part of the constitution, and a very important part at that. Also it is a significant part of homeland defense, the National Guard and Police force simply can't always be there and attackers can get past that.
To whomever shall be the next president of this nation, I tell you, my right, our right even to the 2nd Amendment is important. The right to own a weapon not only improves safety in homes, adds a line defense to this nation and helps with recruitment into military and police forces.
You see the fact of the matter is that the American people are the greatest defense force this nation currently has. No matter how you go about it, we are the greatest defense force of this great nation, whether it be stronger together or making America great again, this is a part of that goal. Why would you take away a right that has been given to us since the founding of this nation. You may say it supports violence but we have gun laws, it is an incredibly long procedure to be able to purchase a gun, and with the current technology we have it is not going to get much better.
Now about safety in homes, I feel good going to sleep at night knowing I have a defense force with me. Just knowing that I can protect myself allows me to feel safe and confident in where and how I live. And you may say that the police force is there, but I don't live in town, it takes at least five minutes to get to my house from town.
And in the process of recruitment, just imagine how much more training would be required if those who join the military did not know how to use a gun. Also I would like to touch on the fact that this is a good chunk of damage to the economy had you taken out weaponry within the economy. And the cost of the additional training I mentioned earlier won't exactly help the fact that we are about $20 trillion dollars in debt.I just personally hope that you will address this in your presidency and that you will make the right choice. And I know I'm not the only one who hopes this.
Wyatt K.