My story is on Abortion. It is wrong and first degree murder. Killing babies is wrong since there are ways to prevent getting pregnant.
Healthcare in America.
Vaccination is a gift and people are not utilizing this gift and it is causing sickness across America and the world.
Technology addiction is the new OD of the modern era. Is it hurting you more than you realize? This letter will address the issues of technology an...
Livestock care in food corporations and how it affects us.
Children are thrown into foster care for unspecific amounts or time when their parents are seen as unfit. Those unfit parents often lose their chil...
People should be educated about how to keep themselves healthy, and helped to make healthy choices.
This letter to the president is about mental health and how if effects people.
There are ways we can help the issue of abortion, now we just have to use them.
Abortion is not okay it is first degree murder. You say its your body but the baby growing inside of you has it'sown body and has a future that are...