Immigration is a big problem that needs to be solved
Illegal Immigrants
Reasons why undocumented immigrants shouldn't be deported.
Dear Future President, I am writing to you today to inform you on my concerns of illegal immigration. Today, the United States has over 11 millio...
Dear Future President, My name is Bobby, and I am an eighth grade student at a school in Cleveland, Ohio. You know that illegal immigration is a ...
Illegal Immigration is a big problem.
Dear Future President, I don’t want to see families torn apart because they are illegal immigrants. There are over 10 million families with illegal...
We have unsecure borders which does not protect us against drugs and criminals.
Dear Future President, My name is Samuel, and I live in a suburb of Cleveland, Ohio. I feel that illegal immigration in the United States is a issu...
Terrorists need to be stopped, they can't continue to destroy our country.