I feel like our country needs to be more aware and more educated in the field of mental illnesses.
Stopping Illegal immigration in the United States.
NASA does not get enough money from the government to learn about our world. They only had major funding in the sixties when the government was int...
How the president can help reduce teen homelessness because it is a big and overlooked problem our country faces.
To decrease the number of undocumented immigrants the U.S government should make visa requests more easily obtainable to people in other countries ...
There should be no curfews in all cities in the United States
The cost of college restricts many, but solving it proves to be a tricky situation
Try to find homes for all the homeless so they can stay safe and healthy. The president needs to help stop homelessness and talk to businesses to a...
Economy Debt Money
Our country should improve education on this topic.
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A letter going to the new president of the United States, Donald Trump, about the immigration policy.
The effects on what heroin and prescription drugs does to teens and what we can do about it.
Terror attacks have gone up because we have no background knowledge on the people who are coming into our country.
The topic of illegal immigrants is a big issue that needs to be addressed. In America right now, there are approximately 11.4 Million undocumented ...
Homelessness in teens across the U.S