Medical cannabis should be legal
Medical Marijuana in America
The benefits of recycling outweigh the few seconds it takes. If the population were to recycle more than energy, water, and materials of the planet...
By growing up in a world surrounded by technology, we are losing ownership over our ideas.
If the government would legalize and tax on marijuana, would the public be better off? Yes. It would.
Illegal aliens are committing crimes and taking tax dollars and receiving free handouts. We need to change the policy that helps every American and...
Medical marijuana could be used to help patients in pain all around the United States, if we legalized the use of it.
The death penalty does more harm than good. The government should not have the right to take a life, it is not fair to pass a flawed system. You sh...
I'm writing about how everyone needs to be treated equally.
The people that are reading or watching should chose what they want to believe, not the news channels.
Marijuana has major health and economic benefits that people ignore because of it being illegal at this point in time.
The war on drugs should end because it is terrible for America and the people in it.