We don't need money for a wall, but we need money for our future
The death penalty does more harm than good. The government should not have the right to take a life, it is not fair to pass a flawed system. You sh...
This is letter is going to be about how obesity is a problem in normal life all around America. It shows how if people were more active than work w...
Many people are turning to suicide as the only option, and that must be changed.
Water pollution can have a severe effect on our earth and it’s time for this generation to take some sort of action to prevent further damage.
Pro-choice. Abortion has been an issue for many years and people are clearly divided on it. A woman should have the right to choose.
Dear Future President, Abortion should be illegal in all or most cases because it's taking someone's life who never gets a chance to live. It is ex...
Should parents be sneaking vegetables into their kids foods? Lettuce talk about that.
This is about the issues and cases on police brutality. Police brutality is a current issue today.
Throughout the United States infrastructure is crumbling. This presents a physical and economical danger to the U.S. This issue needs to be address...
I think the U.S.A needs better borders/security between the U.S and Mexico. One reason the U.S needs better boarders is, because illegal immigrants...
Dear next president, the topic I am going to write ...
A child isn’t born feeling the need to be more beautiful than other children. Competing and being rewarded for their physical attributes is wrong. ...
Racial Discrimination is a problem in the US.
Why animal abuse is a sickening crime that needs to be stopped
We must try to get away from government implicitly endorsing religion. This issue is significant because as a unified country, we want to represent...
There is not enough gun policies, and the result of that is gun violence.
Dear President, You should stop gun violence because they are killing innocent people for no reason. According to the Smart gun laws.org it incre...
We need to switch to renewable energy sources and sway away from fossil fuels.
Why we should stop Immigration
Growing up, we are taught that college is the next step in life after high school. The problem is, this next step costs us tens of thousands of dol...
Black lives don't matter if black people are killing most black people.
I think America should be paying for higher education.
It's about time students and parents know the behind-the-scenes of sex ed.
Thousands of children are in an orphanage and are up for adoption for years and years and most heterosexual couples have there own child . In that ...
The effects of global warming have impacted the Earth and has changed the way we live for years. It is time to take action!
Police brutality is not as Black and White as many people want others to believe.
Animal cruelty is a horrible thing and it unfortunately happens all around the world, but it needs to stop.
This is important because our state can fall apart if we don't stop it.
Girls have so many standards to meet and are put under so much pressure by themselves and society. We need someone to lead us with a sense of pride...
You need to monitor who you are selling guns to and make sure they don't want to use it to harm others.
Please don't let our species go extinct.
The American Dream is the ideal that every US citizen should have an equal opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determi...
"All the reasons why schools should be starting later in the day, unlike now where almost all schools start before 8:30."
Dogs shouldn't be banned based solely on their appearance, stereotypes, and other's ignorance. If we shouldn't do it to humans, we shouldn't do it...
The next president has to improve Immigration
I think that everyone in the U.S should allowed to have guns on them.
Racism seeks to divide and destroy, so why is this issue still happening today? No one is born hating another person because of their color, backgr...
Child abuse needs to stop.
LGBT are OF the people. The constitution is FOR the people. Members of this community are not fully protected. When will this become a reality?
Puppy mills should be illegal and shut down.
Recently, the United States has been in controversy over the actions of police officers around the nation. The actions of a few people cannot const...
Issues that need to be resolved to make the United States a safer place
Gender equality is a Human Right
I am going to tell you why you should start worrying about the drug cartels that are going on in the United States.
America must prevent those who don't deserve guns from getting them.
Tax Reforms and Job Creation
Keeping abortion legal is a pressing issue in the U.S. This letter argues the side to keep abortion legal in the U.S.
Our national parks bring in revenue from tourism, help preserve biodiversity, and provide places to learn and explore for people of all ages. These...
I strongly disagree with abortion and I think it should be illegal
the threats and possibilities concerning nuclear weapons in modern day
Children are growing up to be very violent or have other emotional issues, because of the things they’ve seen in their short lives. Children who s...
Illegal immigrants should not be allowed in the United States.
The allowing of guns and concealed carry in cities.
Abortion is morally wrong and needs to be illegal.
Most Public Service Announcements about the internet inaccurately represent the internet.
Abortion has been a big issue for so many years. There's about 50 million abortions per year. Nearly half of pregnancies in women were unintended ...
We should end all types of dog abuse.
College tuition keeps rising, making it difficult for students to afford to further their education.
The Death Penalty can harm the guilty as well as the innocent. End the Death Penalty.
I think we need to get rid of Obamacare
The many problem with sexual assault and why it needs to stop.
The government, simply, should not have the right to tell an individual, a woman, what to do with their body. Have it be a tattoo or a controversia...
Racism affects the personal and self views of children, and not only impact their view of the world, but impacts their academic drive and to do wel...
Dear Future President, Homelessness is something...
For years waste has been dumped in our Great Lakes causing a massive issue for the lakes ecosystem and a huge impact on everyone's daily lives. Wil...
This letter is addressing the cost of college tuition, and the deductions that our next president should make for students planning to go to colleg...
Immigration has played a large part in our country's past and will continue to play a large role in our future.
According to the New York Times, in 2016 suicide surpassed traffic death fatalities as the number one cause teenage death. Many teachers seem unaw...
Although a college degree is almost required to be successful in today's day and age, many youth cannot afford the cost or will be saddled with hug...
2nd Amendment: Americans have the right to bear arms. Guns do not kill people, people do.
We need to shut down puppy mills, fine dog fighting, and prevent animal hoarding. The next president needs to do more to prevent this abuse. No cr...
Citizens should have legal authority to own a firearm.
Smoking needs to stop.
Illegal immigration has become a problem over the years. About an estimate of 11.1 million immigrants have been placed here for a better life. Are ...
Law should be more strict when buying/selling guns
Why we should put a tighter hold on preventing animal abuse.
Medical cannabis should be legal
Horse soring is a form of animal abused that is has been banned but the law needs to be enforced.
Schools across the country require standardized tests, such as the SAT's, and they aren't helpful for students.
Gun violence in the U.S. is out of control and this needs to change.
Some countries and states are saying that we should lower the drinking age to 18. I disagree on that because by lowering the drinking age it can ca...
Dear Future President, I would like to stop animal abuse because many innocent animals die each year due to animal cruelty.
If someone buys a gun without ammunition, it might as well be a baseball bat. In addition to the background checks, there should also be a tax on ...
The death penalty needs to be eliminated.
Why clowns should not be allowed to roam the streets.
In the US convicted felons are not allowed to own firearms. However they often end up with them. Some of these guns are illegally bought from black...
Citizens across the world are infected or diagnosed with an illness that slowly takes their lives away. Euthanasia or assisted suicide needs to sta...
America has many problems and one of them is immigration. Immigrants are a huge factor that makes up the U.S. There's lots of immigrants that don't...
The people that are reading or watching should chose what they want to believe, not the news channels.
Is the second amendment helping or hurting America?
Gun violence has increased so much in the past decade, but our second amendment still needs to be protected.
We need to stop killing unborn babies. It is not right.
I want the future president to say no to gun control.
A higher minimum wage looks good on paper but would never work out the way most people think.
Our planet is getting destroyed! Let's work together to protect it.
While dress codes can be useful, they preserve rape culture, humiliate students, and target specific groups rather than the whole student body.
Mr/Mrs. President we should leave the police stations to sort out the supposed bias themselves, as they are taking action to solve any bias and let...
When you board a plane, you hear it on repeat, “...in case of an emergency, put your own mask on first before you help others,” so why doesn’t this...
Minimum wage should be increased